By Sabrina Samone, TMP
Whatever comes to mind when you think of a trans-female rapper, forget what you've heard, Amirra Daye Smith aka. MzzAmirraO is breaking down all misconceptions, and glass ceilings with one lyrical rhyme after the next. She's not afraid to step out of the clones of 'video vixxens', and be the strong lyrical stylist she's becoming known for. Her rhymes says it all, "walk through with a shoe so vicious swag on a thou and the crew all vixxenz, sit so pretty but we came here to dance, we came to get loose grey goose."
Last month I had the pleasure of chatting with another member of her crew, Nicki Andro. Together they have collaborated on tracks that are growing a fast fan base. What make these rappers stand out from the others in our community, is that they aren't afraid to share the stage. They realize to make it. it will take a team, a community, and teams get noticed. That's exactly what's happening with MzzAmirraO, and her crew at SMG group.
I'm a lover of music, and I appreciate a good rhyme with meaning, but that's not what caught my attention by these two artist, or why I've chosen to signal boost them. Years ago when I popped my first premarin pill, a wise mentor once told me that there is something that money can't buy and every t-girl needs to posses. Hormones will not deliver it, a man, job or surgery can't fix it. You either have it or you don't, and it's called class.
It's time my friends of TMP meet the classy, talented, strong, and the hardest working trans woman in hip hop, Amirra Daye Smith aka MzzAmirraO.
TMP: I’ve been told you’re becoming known as the hardest working trans-rapper out there. What’s the motivation behind your music, and drive?
Amirra Daye Smith: My main motivation is the youth, so that the young trans girls/boys, can see that yes, we can be rappers too.! I wanna break that door down, and break the stereotypes of transgender women all together. I like to make music for all people. Music that anybody can relate too. My VixxenZ & Vix Fans, keep me motivated. My Trans sisters, and brothers keep me motivated. They all wanna see me make it, and not just for myself but for all of us. I don't want to let them down. The world needs to see that there are positive minded, and talented transgender people. We need to be respected.
Whatever comes to mind when you think of a trans-female rapper, forget what you've heard, Amirra Daye Smith aka. MzzAmirraO is breaking down all misconceptions, and glass ceilings with one lyrical rhyme after the next. She's not afraid to step out of the clones of 'video vixxens', and be the strong lyrical stylist she's becoming known for. Her rhymes says it all, "walk through with a shoe so vicious swag on a thou and the crew all vixxenz, sit so pretty but we came here to dance, we came to get loose grey goose."
Last month I had the pleasure of chatting with another member of her crew, Nicki Andro. Together they have collaborated on tracks that are growing a fast fan base. What make these rappers stand out from the others in our community, is that they aren't afraid to share the stage. They realize to make it. it will take a team, a community, and teams get noticed. That's exactly what's happening with MzzAmirraO, and her crew at SMG group.
I'm a lover of music, and I appreciate a good rhyme with meaning, but that's not what caught my attention by these two artist, or why I've chosen to signal boost them. Years ago when I popped my first premarin pill, a wise mentor once told me that there is something that money can't buy and every t-girl needs to posses. Hormones will not deliver it, a man, job or surgery can't fix it. You either have it or you don't, and it's called class.
It's time my friends of TMP meet the classy, talented, strong, and the hardest working trans woman in hip hop, Amirra Daye Smith aka MzzAmirraO.
TMP: I’ve been told you’re becoming known as the hardest working trans-rapper out there. What’s the motivation behind your music, and drive?
Amirra Daye Smith: My main motivation is the youth, so that the young trans girls/boys, can see that yes, we can be rappers too.! I wanna break that door down, and break the stereotypes of transgender women all together. I like to make music for all people. Music that anybody can relate too. My VixxenZ & Vix Fans, keep me motivated. My Trans sisters, and brothers keep me motivated. They all wanna see me make it, and not just for myself but for all of us. I don't want to let them down. The world needs to see that there are positive minded, and talented transgender people. We need to be respected.
TMP: Like many leading hip-hop
labels, their crew collaborate together. I’ve noticed a lot of collaborating
on your part with other trans-hip hop artists. Who are some of the artists you’ve
worked with recently?
A.D.S.: I haven't really worked with any artist this year besides, Nicki Andro. After putting out my mix tape, I started working on the EP, and there was supposed to be other artist involved, but it didn't work out that way. Nicki Andro, is the only collaboration that's on my new EP. I'm looking forward to working with other artist in 2016. I'm also working with the first artist on my own. I wanna have my own label and start grooming my own artist.
A.D.S.: I haven't really worked with any artist this year besides, Nicki Andro. After putting out my mix tape, I started working on the EP, and there was supposed to be other artist involved, but it didn't work out that way. Nicki Andro, is the only collaboration that's on my new EP. I'm looking forward to working with other artist in 2016. I'm also working with the first artist on my own. I wanna have my own label and start grooming my own artist.
TMP: I’d like you tell our readers,
in your opinion, why it’s so important that we support trans rappers?
A.D.S.: It's important that people support transgender women, men, and the youth, because we are people just like everybody else. There's so much hatred, and ignorance out there in the world, so when we get support, it's genuinely appreciated. You lead by example, so when you support a transgender person, it opens up the eyes of others. No one should be judged by their race, gender-identity, or sexual orientation. As human beings, we have no limits, and we shouldn't be limited simply because we are trans.
A.D.S.: It's important that people support transgender women, men, and the youth, because we are people just like everybody else. There's so much hatred, and ignorance out there in the world, so when we get support, it's genuinely appreciated. You lead by example, so when you support a transgender person, it opens up the eyes of others. No one should be judged by their race, gender-identity, or sexual orientation. As human beings, we have no limits, and we shouldn't be limited simply because we are trans.
TMP: Our community, especially our
sisters of color, have experienced an unprecedented rate of violence towards
us. How much of a positive impact on the African-American community, in
particular, do you feel could be achieved
for trans society if a trans hip hop artist were to reach the level of
popularity, and acceptance in music, as Laverne Cox has done in film?
A.D.S.: There would be a major impact in the African-American community, to see a transgender woman or man, set the bar high when it comes to hip hop. Some people will never change their opinions of us, and that's fine too. Also, being a hip hop artist gives the transgender community a voice in hip hop, and would definitely change the way some folk see us.

TMP: Do you feel that if more
trans-musical artists were to collaborate creatively that, that would or could
bring more visibility and acceptance of all trans-musicians?
A.D.S.: Yes! More collaborations, and more unity is very much needed to help with the acceptance, and visibility of transgender people. There's power in numbers, and there's a war going on right outside our doors. More of us will have to stick together if we wanna survive it. At this point, it's not about competition, it's about unity, and perseverance. If we wanna make an impact in this industry, we have to stick together. If we wanna make an impact on the world, we must work together, and put differences aside.
A.D.S.: Yes! More collaborations, and more unity is very much needed to help with the acceptance, and visibility of transgender people. There's power in numbers, and there's a war going on right outside our doors. More of us will have to stick together if we wanna survive it. At this point, it's not about competition, it's about unity, and perseverance. If we wanna make an impact in this industry, we have to stick together. If we wanna make an impact on the world, we must work together, and put differences aside.
TMP: Music itself can be a
political force. We witnessed it in the 80’s, which led to the wall in East
Berlin to be taken down, the fall of communism, and great humanitarian relief
efforts. Do you feel that could be possible with trans artists, and the plight
transgender people face every day?
A.D.S.: Yes!! I completely feel that way. Music is very powerful, and is easily shared around the world. The hip hop culture is big on coming together, fighting for what's right, and what's fair. It would be great for a group of transgender artist to come together, and do a record together simply to say, 'Hey we are here, and we just wanna live our lives in a way that makes us happy, and comfortable. Be free to follow our hearts, and not be killed for it.!'
A.D.S.: Yes!! I completely feel that way. Music is very powerful, and is easily shared around the world. The hip hop culture is big on coming together, fighting for what's right, and what's fair. It would be great for a group of transgender artist to come together, and do a record together simply to say, 'Hey we are here, and we just wanna live our lives in a way that makes us happy, and comfortable. Be free to follow our hearts, and not be killed for it.!'
TMP: Did you ever have any concerns about entering hip hop vs. any other genre of music considering the hype of masculinity, and the domination of it by men?

TMP: Tell our readers, if you will
about your latest EP, and are there any scheduled performances that we could catch?
A.D.S.: My new EP, which is titled 'The Prototype', can be found on This is my first EP, after releasing four mix tapes. I titled the EP 'The Prototype', because I look at it as a blue print for trans rappers. It's an all hip hop project, that reminds you of 90's rap, but still sounds like nothing you've heard before. This is the original copy that will also be copied by many. The style, the swagger of the album has never been done quite this way by any other trans rapper. It's a hood album, something the streets can rock to, and the people in the suburbs can rock to at the same time. Seventy percent of the EP, is produced by trans-rapper/songwriter/producer, Nicki Andro, also with Tracks A Team in North Carolina, BBK Productions, and Pootie Moe. There's an instrumental also done by ATL's producer KO. I write all my own music, and it was an easy ten records to write. It explains how I've been feeling the past few months, yet is still just a sample of what's to come in the future.
A.D.S.: My new EP, which is titled 'The Prototype', can be found on This is my first EP, after releasing four mix tapes. I titled the EP 'The Prototype', because I look at it as a blue print for trans rappers. It's an all hip hop project, that reminds you of 90's rap, but still sounds like nothing you've heard before. This is the original copy that will also be copied by many. The style, the swagger of the album has never been done quite this way by any other trans rapper. It's a hood album, something the streets can rock to, and the people in the suburbs can rock to at the same time. Seventy percent of the EP, is produced by trans-rapper/songwriter/producer, Nicki Andro, also with Tracks A Team in North Carolina, BBK Productions, and Pootie Moe. There's an instrumental also done by ATL's producer KO. I write all my own music, and it was an easy ten records to write. It explains how I've been feeling the past few months, yet is still just a sample of what's to come in the future.
TMP: Where do you see
trans-rappers acceptance in the hop hop industry a year or two from now?

A.D.S.: I can definitely see some movement happening as fan bases grow. More people are starting to come around and at least tolerate our community, but we still have so far to go. A major record label would have to pick one of the girls up to make a bigger impact. Once a machine is behind me, there's no stopping me. I don't really know what the future holds, but what ever happens I'm ready.

TMP: I like to ask my guest here at TMP, if you could tell the world something unique about MzzAmiraO, and you knew
everyone would hear, what would you like them to know about you?
A.D.S.: Something unique about me is that I don't watch television, lol. I don't really have the time to dedicate to any shows, but people find that weird. I'm not just a songwriter, I can write anything. I wrote a screen play for an animated TV show when I was 15 years old. I would love to get into film, television, and books. I have a very creative mind, and I'm gonna make that work for me. My community, and anyone that's entertained by it.

New York
Washington, DC
Starring Sacoyia Prodigy, MzzAmirraO
Starting the second week of January. For more details and dates go to MzzAmirraO Fan Page.
To Contact and Follow MzzAmirraO
Facebook Fan Page
Trans Faces #18 Nicki Andro; Straight Out of Stonewall...One Beat...One Rhyme, That Will Not Be Silent
Trans Faces #17 Jake Graf; Brace Yourself for the Most Talked About Award Winning Director
Trans Faces #16: Alejandro Santiago Lord; Building A Legacy of Service, One Act At A Time
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