TMP Guest Blogs

Trans Man Exposes Fraud, and Transphobia of Cis Bigot Preying on Young Trans men
By Bennet Kasper

[ Mr. Kasper wrote to us, presented the evidence and asked for our support in calling for a boycott of the fb group FTMCONNECT LLC AND STAND TO PEE PACKER DOT COM. In the following days Benson Davis himself contacted me. It is now that this guest post will be published. In Ben Davis writings, the evidence of transphobic and misogynistic  behavior glowed even brighter. He attacked me personally, calling me and all trans women, men. He hides behind the term ally to gain funds from trans people for crappy quality merchandise, all while pushing his bigoted views of trans women, and racial minorities. He clings to a couple of mentions by well known trans people, to continue to lure trans people looking for a safe place to shop. Our community has been plaid the victim by Cis culture for far too long. For decades cis men have manipulated, and taken advantage of young trans women unable to find work, and threw them in porn for pennies, while fat greasy cis men sat around the table continuing to belittle trans women, our worth, all while making a buck off our backs at the same time. Now a cis man who prides himself of having a  penis, and that is his claim to fame to be an expert of STP's, is defrauding our community who is unknowingly funding transphobia and racism. ]

I first became aware of the Benson Davis/Ben Johnson controversy when a friend of mine posted a screen shot from Benson's Facebook wall, of him advertising that he had, in fact, just purchased the domain name "" My friend thought he was another trans guy, and we frequently discuss racism in the trans community, so he shared it with a group of us that regularly talk on the subject.

So I looked up his Facebook page, and found a variety of racist, and trans misogynistic (and other offensive afflictions) posts, and I shared with the group. Someone in the group remembered hearing that name associated with Stand To Pee Packers (STPP). So I looked up STPP, and sure enough, he runs that company. So instantly it's
problematic that he's a trans guy who is taking money from the community, and funding racist/bigoted/terrible things.

Then we dig a little deeper and find out he has a Facebook group, and we joined. Lots of problematic stuff going on there too. Then we find out he isn't even trans. He's a straight cis man. He's a straight cis man whose real name is Ben Johnson. A straight cis man named Ben Johnson who defrauded (allegedly) his former employer of their pee packer design, and then started his own, lower quality version. After he was exposed for posing a a member of his former employer's sales force, asking customers for credit card numbers and more personal details. See attached photos.

So, yea. He's a problem to the community, and he's got to go.


Against All Odds: A Story of Unconditional Love
A Guest Blog Post 
By Chase Lee Hornig

Chase Lee Hornig
Chase wrote to me on our TMP/FB page, and wanted to share his story. I was so moved by their struggle, but so happy to hear someone express joy in finding love as trans. Too many times I hear from the men, and women in our community, that love is not possible for them, or that they have given up on love. Don't...cause love will never give up on you. That old saying is true, when you are not looking for love it appears. Yet, I know those feelings all too well as a trans woman living in the south of the United States of BS myself. After two cis boy friends, I realized how special it is to love a trans person, by falling in love with another trans soul. By loving another trans person it has taught me even more how special we are. No one loves you harder than a trans person, because they long to be loved themselves for who they are, and are willing to give that love willingly, freely, and unconditionally. I hope this story reminds you how special each of you are:

Three years ago, I identified myself as a lesbian, and as every single person I knew,  I joined lesbian dating sites. I never knew what I was to expect when meeting up with this one girl in particular. We agreed to meet as friends, as I had just moved to Melbourne, AU., and wanted to make new friends. Little did we both know, that we would fall in love.

During this time, she was quite mobile, with  a little bit of a limp in her leg. She then told me she had MS. I didn't think anything of it at the time, as all I could see was the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

A year quickly past, and we were still madly, and very much in love. It was then, I told her I was trans. She was shocked, but said she loved me for me, and she would support me 100%. So I quickly began treatment, and started my transition. All awhile, her health was slowly declining, while my hormones were going crazy.

Things were getting tough, and emotional for us both. Each of us dealing with such dramatic changes in our body, and mentally. We had gone through so much in our relationship of only one year and a half, but we stuck it out.

It's been three, and a half years that we have struggled, but loved together. She is now in a wheelchair, and I am well into my transition, but our love is still stronger than ever. We have grown stronger together, as a couple because of this.

Against all odds, I have become the man I always was, and though we have gone through the hardest times of our lives, we went through it together. True love really finds itself in the most beautiful way.

We just want to share, that love is and can be unconditional, and it's waiting for each of us.

Self Defense: Transforming Fear into Trans Empowerment
A Guest Blog
Keagan Delaney

Since the election, fear in our community is at an all time high. We are more often, the most vulnerable minority group. As a community, we often speak of empowerment through visibility, self acceptance, and unity. Yet out of this darkness of fear; a young brother challenges us to do something different than hide in fear. There is empowerment through defending ourselves, and our community. He offers workshops to give hope to our brothers, and sisters who are afraid. He stood out to me, because he represents a growing segment within our community; a new genderation that will not sit, and wait for something to happen to them, but empower themselves to fight back.

A little bit about me.
I’ve always known I was different, every trans person knows this feeling. I was fortunate enough to have parents who believed in freedom of individuality, and they had no negative things to say about my sexuality or my gender. Once we got passed the, “Is this a phase?”, part.

I was first introduced to martial arts at the age of 8, and have spent a good part of my life studying different styles both in the formal way; in dojo under the supervision of a sensei ( a martial arts teacher), and in my personal/independent study. I also studied the philosophy behind these arts, and developed a way of life that I call, a Boshido Buddhism. Living by the 7 virtues of bushido, the way of the warrior; courage, compassion, honor, honesty, duty, justice and respect, with the Zen principles of Buddhism, as much as possible.

Self-defense to me, is not just a way to get out of a dangerous situation. It instills a confidence, and ability which enables you to avoid these situations altogether. By having the knowledge to protect yourself, you exude a sense of security. Some people call it energy, some call it chi, some simply say it’s body posture, but whatever it is, it gives potential attackers the idea that you are a bad target, which is what self-defense is all about.

My workshops are heavily influenced by Krav Maga, Aikido and Jujitsu, the focus being to be as efficient as possible. They are comprised of the fastest, most effective moves of many styles, combined with highly aggressive counter attacks that neutralize your attacker as quickly as possible. We learn tactics of deflection of the opponent’s energy, and disarming those with weapons. We incorporate wrist locks and leverage techniques, as well as hand grabs, knife-hand strikes, and knife- gun take-away. In close quarter combat, the most common techniques practiced are throwing an opponent. By using their weight, and momentum to our advantage, as well as vital pressure-points, and escape techniques; to free yourself from a grapple in various situations. These techniques are effective no matter the size, or strength difference between you, and your opponent, and thus are highly effective as self-defense techniques.

Pointers to readers who are unable to get to a workshop, or another type of self-defense class. The three key things to keep in mind.

Attackers need:
Intent: a reason they believe is justifiable to attack you. Be it hate crimes or muggings, they will have some reason. Believe it or not, this is something we have some influence over. They will target you based on two things, Risk and Reward. Is the risk of injury, or capture worth the potential or perceived reward? Ways we can control this, don’t visually display valuables; laptops, expensive bags, jewelry should not be carried openly. If you must carry it with you have it concealed. Doing this will lower the perceived reward. If you have mace, or pepper spray, or some other self-defense item, that is legal to do so, carry that in a visible location. Get a brightly colored pepper spray, and keep it in a visible, easy to reach location. This can be used as a deterrent by increasing the level or risk to your attacker. Higher risk, lower reward, makes you a bad target.

A Means to Attack: This could be a weapon, intimidation, or perceived advantage of physical violence. This also, we have some control over. Just like increasing the risk; visible deterrent devices can lower the perceived advantage. Staying out of arms reach of persons you don’t know, or who seem threatening, can decrease the ability to attack you. Staying calm, holding your head up, making eye contact, holding a steady, even verbal tone can decrease the potential attacker’s level of intimidation. Keeping an even tone, and a neutral stance, can also help deescalate verbal confrontations. Even if your heart is beating 1000 times a minute, attackers who feel in control of the situation through intimidation will feel more confident in their success of physical violence. (This is not to say staring down every aggressive person will keep you out of conflict. But if a confrontation arises, these strategies can help ease the tension, and reach peaceful resolution.)

Opportunity: This is a place and/or time to attack you. This is where we have the most control. Along with keeping potential out of arms reach, being aware of your surroundings is the first, and most important step to keeping yourself safe. In order to be attacked, you need to be in a place that is close enough to a busy area to have been noticed, and is easier to escape in, but also secluded enough to not have many, if any witnesses. Alleyways, parking garages, parks, and parking lots are great places to ambush someone. Avoid obviously dangerous areas, these are typically alleyways with little or no lighting, high crime areas, or places where there is a lot of drinking. When parking, and while arriving or leaving at night, park as near to an entrance near you as possible, and in well lite areas. When walking at night especially alone, do not walk with headphones on, this greatly decreases your situational awareness, and makes you a very easy target. Most importantly, trust your gut. If a place feels unsafe, if a person feels dangerous, if you feel like you are being watched or followed, don’t put yourself into that situation. If you are walking and feel unsafe, call a friend, being on the phone with another human being, (even if its fake) makes you a riskier target.
My last two points, if your attacker is only after your material possessions, give them up. Entering any physical confrontation, no matter how skilled, has risk, and no material object in this world is worth dying for.

If the attacker wants your life. You have to put your human instincts to the side, and be willing to injure, and/or kill your attacker. If it’s between your life and theirs, choose survival. Many people, even if it is unconscious, are ingrained to not hurt another human being. If you hesitate, it could kill you. Practice and confidence can be the difference between you getting home safely, or not. 

Kegan Delaney is a trans advocate, martial arts, and self defense instructor. You can follow him on his self defense page, Disengagement & Empowerment Group, and on Twitter @dearthair_beag

Trans military service: Conflicting Opinions
A Guest Blog Post 
By Ian Cairns Patrick

I wanted to make sure all voices are heard on our TMP/FB page. There was a difference of opinion in the support of the Military. While TMP supports our Troops, and our Trans People in the Military, we also even more so, support the freedom of speech those Trans Military Personnel fight for. Because our sister was silenced, this is my way to have his words reach even more;
 All Trans voices matter. 

The queer liberation movement desperately needs to think beyond borders. This imperative is hinted at by an unaffiliated, post on the page of 'Transmuseplanet.' Intersectional feminism  a key tool in the trans struggle for liberation- intersectional because in addition to thinking oppression through the lens of gender it studies the interlocking power structures of race, class, ability, and nationality. If our analysis focuses on liberation in one nation, it has already failed. 

Trans people being openly allowed in the military doesn't excuse a recruitment strategy that preys on young people in poverty. It doesn't excuse that in order to survive poor people are forced to choose between going to prison and joining the military as Chelsea Manning poignantly described in "Transphobia at the Intersection of the Military and Prison Industrial Complexes." It doesn't excuse a military system that condemns black and brown people abroad to fear and death, people who may well be queer.

Painting the military, such a violent and destructive institution, as friendly to LGBT people reeks of Pinkwashing- when an institution tokenizes queer liberation to excuse its atrocities. When the white, western gay rights group Out Rage! held placards at a Free Palestine rally in Britain reading "Israel: stop persecuting Palestine, Palestine: stop persecuting queers!" it contributed to an American legacy of painting Arabs and Muslims as uniquely, perversely homophobic and helped consolidate a pinkwashed image of Israel as a bastion of civil rights for (non-Arab) queer people. 

While the militaries' evolving position on LGBT rights supposedly makes the institution safer for queers in the service it does nothing to help those (cis-hetero and queer alike) indiscriminately slaughtered by the racist American Empire. When cis-women's safety was prioritized by the military little actually happened to reduce sexual assault against women and we should not be surprised if little change takes place regarding the safety of queer people in the military.

As a movement, we cannot flinch from these hard discussions. We cannot place national pride above a hard look at the role of the US military in international oppression. If we do so, we betray our own liberation. 

If anyone would like resources to study the topics addressed in this post check these out:

The books Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times by Jasbir K Puar and Israel/Palestine and the Queer International by Sarah Schulman

Lastly, there is an excellent video by Novora Media called Gay Pride & Capitalism: What Is Pinkwashing?

Ian Cairns Patrick is a north eastern camp instructor for youth, an open trans-femme, and self identified anti-nationalist. More importantly, Ian is apart of the great diverse Trans community, that has a voice, a voice that is appreciated, as all Friends of TMP are.

Who am I and Why am I Different?
Why Self Acceptance is The Key to Trans Visibility 
A Guest Blog Post by Nic Brennan
U.K. Firefighter/Advocate/Role Model and all around Hero

‘How can others love you when you don’t love yourself’?
Our own sense of being male or female is something that most of us take for granted.
It can be hard enough just to accept yourself, never mind love yourself! But self acceptance is the first step towards living your life authentically.
For many years I suffered with Body Dysphoria. From the age of four I had strong feelings of being different and felt very much estranged from my two sisters growing up, and was tormented and fearful of what was to come with the onset of puberty.
This was something that was to dominate my life, I had a body/mind conflict; I identified as one sex but had the body of the opposite sex. This incongruity caused me considerable confusion, frustration and anguish. It was to be something that very much clouded every aspect of my life and caused me severe emotional pain with my day to day functioning, it was something that consumed me.

‘Who am I and why am I different’? ...  Something I constantly asked myself.

I used to be really embarrassed of feeling male but looking female when my body disagreed and repulsed me, so for many years I bottled everything up.  I was a very angry and destructive person, not knowing how to channel that negative energy.  I became so hateful of the world and the hand that I had been dealt.
At the age of 21 I joined the Fire Service as a female firefighter.  I had to tick the gender box as female on my application form right...???!! Writing my own name and ticking the ‘Miss’ box made me cringe!!
It took me a long time to realize that being Transgender didn’t make me any less of a guy, or, more importantly, less of a person. We’re all different in our own right and we should embrace those differences as they make us who we are.
In 2008 I finally found out about the word Transgender. It felt good knowing that I had figured out the root of the problem and here is somewhere I fitted in!  I’m Transgender... There, I had said it out aloud! And finally I had a sense of belonging!
As soon as I had discovered that I was Trans, I just wanted to click my fingers together and be fully transitioned! The reality is, transition takes years, it takes determination and it requires patience and understanding. Hormone therapy and surgery, if desired, are irreversible, life-altering steps on a stairway to happiness.
Straightaway I booked a consultation appointment for a double mastectomy in a private hospital and a few weeks later  was having the chest that had caused me so much distress and torment over the years removed.
When I woke up and looked down at my new chest for the very first time I smiled and my eyes filled with tears of relief and happiness, it just felt right! I finally had the chest I could only ever visualize. For me this was the start of a new lease of life.
Not everybody wants to medically transition; you are who you feel you are. But for me I needed the external to match my internal.
Physically transitioning begins at your local GP as a guideline but, for me, I had been self-medicating with (T) Testosterone since my early twenties.  I was unsure of what I was injecting into my body but I didn’t care, this was a risk I was prepared to take.
The burden of not being open about my gender identity had a significant impact on my mental health and my ability to perform not just in work but in everyday life.
I told no one that I worked with about the double mastectomy,  I just told  management that I was going in for a breast operation but didn’t divulge any more information than that and no questions were asked. . I felt very much unable to express how I was truly feeling inside so I struggled on.
 ‘Coming out’ was something I thought about for the two years that followed after my top surgery. I really didn’t know how to approach anyone about this and every day I was filled with anxiety and fear that I would be ‘found out’.
I had no control on how I came out...  It just so happened it was a reaction from a reaction and out I blurted it! My fuse had well and truly blown!!  But instantly I felt free from the burden that I had been carrying around with me for so many years and I cannot put into words how liberating that moment was! I was finally free from my own imprisonment! I just couldn’t live this lie any longer and the build up of apprehension from being found out was making me ill and miserable.
 I felt very much alone before I came out. I found it hard to interact with my work colleagues and therefore never wanted to engage in conversation and so my work performance suffered and I became very much isolated.
Even though I knew I was Trans I never came out to my Service for fear of not being understood. I thought being transgender would be seen as too much of a problem and wouldn’t be accepted and, as a result, I would have been dismissed from the Service and then what would I have? I was so afraid of losing the one thing that I worked so hard to achieve, that gave me a purpose in life, but who was there to help me?
My perceptions couldn’t have been more wrong. The support I received from management going forward, and more importantly, from my colleagues was something I could have never imagined and was vital with helping me fully transition.
I feel immensely proud and privileged to have transitioned in an environment free from prejudice and to have such a supporting network of people around me.  This has been a key element in my transition just knowing I am supported by my peers and the Service (my second family).
I feel very humbled that I have been chosen as a role model, It has been hard for me to see what everybody else sees in me. I feel empowered that others believe in me and that has given me the confidence to shine through and believe in myself. That alone is testament and has given me a voice to help others who are struggling. I wonder how different my life would have been if I could have related to a visible role model?
 I have lived for 34 years in the shadows, fearful of the world and without a voice and now my life couldn’t be any more different,  I am finally at peace with myself and comfortable within my own skin. I made it through the dark times, which has given me a greater appreciation for life.
 I am finally free from the prison of my mind, free from the burden that bound me, free from denial, guilt and pain, free of the sorrow of the past.. I’ve arrived and it feels amazing to be me!
Being Transgender is really only a small part of who I am but it has made me the guy I am today.
“Visible role models are important in helping us to relate and give guidance to others! Being visible is paramount in breaking down barriers and giving us a sense of belonging”

 Nic Brennan is a Cheshire U.K. Firefighter for over a decade. He recently gained national attention in the U.K. with his work with Fire Pride, an LGBT Network. He is also a role model and works as advocate on the behalf of  trans youth. 

Nic will also be our next guest in our Trans Faces Interviews, here on TMP.


Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn, & Me:

A Guest Blog/poem to Trans Society & the World by

Cis-gender hetero Ally & Digital Artist Greg Turiya Liotta

Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn, & Me:

I used to hold strong ideas about what "god wants for us", how we should "be", and how "wrong" it is to "violate" the "laws of nature".

My convictions have been smashed by life itself, experiencing the perpetually unfolding nature of the universe.

I don't notice anything in organic nature that suggests anything is supposed to stay as it "was". There is very little about me that is exactly the same as it was 20, 10, even 5 years ago. My form changed along with many of my ideas.

It's occurred to me over the years that "god" is none other than the force of love expressing itself in creation, ever evolving, morphing, expanding, contracting, expanding again, and perpetually re-creating itself into something new. There appears to be no end to the form or expression of life in this universe.

So who am I to say a "man" is "supposed to" remain in the form he was born into. 

What if the form is just a vehicle for divine expression, and if the spirit inhabiting that form wants to express in a new form, so be it. 

That seems to be in alignment with what I've witnessed in the universe. Nothing stays the same. Nothing lives in a box, not even a box. 

Life is ALCHEMY,

a Phoenix rising from the ashes. 

Eventually the fire within a dragon consumes the dragon, and it is a dragon no more. 
Say hello to the Phoenix. 
May we all be willing to throw ourselves into the fire, become ashes, and rise as something new.

Greg Turiya Liotta: Is a Digital Artist and Cis-Ally of the Trans Community. He was so moved by the story of Caitlyn Jenner that he's written this beautiful poem, confessing how his personal views on being Transgender has evolved.

Director's Cut: Finding a Dream, Halfway Around the World
A Guest Blog by I Am The T Director, Tony Zosherafatain

In the summer of 2014, I found myself at a crossroads: pursue my passion to film a documentary or let it all go. For five years I had toyed with the idea of creating a documentary about the lives of trans men around the world. My original proposal to have this idea funded by a mainstream fellowship in college had been denied, leaving me with doubt. Yet this summer, I decided that the time was ripe, so I began my journey to create my film: I am the T: an FTM documentary.

With only $5050, I assembled a team from within the trans community, consisting of two editors and a cameraman. We recruited a group of fourteen trans masculine people from around the world after many Skype interviews. I decided on our first country to film in: Norway. Given it’s location in Northern Europe, Norway was a good transition into production and it offered a unique filming experience as a relatively little known country.

With two round trip tickets to Oslo, Norway and all of our film equipment in tow (which we managed to fit into three bags), my videographer and I set out to film the story of Isak, a 28 year old FTM. Never having been to Norway before, I was filled with a sense of nervousness, excitement, and curiosity. I wondered: was a trans man who lived across the Atlantic having the same transition experience as me? Could living in entirely a different culture influence a trans man’s life? What did we share in common?

During our time in Norway, we got to film Isak’s friends, family, co-workers, and most interestingly, his dad. A family member who hadn’t taken Isak’s transition well at first. We filmed Isak’s daily life, capturing the microcosms of his world as a trans man, and most importantly as a human being. Many moments resonated, with many trans stories, with the common theme of struggling to be accepted. Some of Isak’s job stories entailed, having to use the women’s bathroom still even though his birth-assigned gender does not define him. Other struggles, such as having to wait a year to begin testosterone, were rooted in European bureaucracy. What became clear to me was that even in Europe, Isak faced difficulties, proving that we still have a long way to go in order to gain trans equality.

After five days of filming, my crew said our goodbyes to Isak, who had become more like a brother. We had spent 12 hours a day filming, climbing literal cliffs to film certain scenes, forming a bond of trust. We had captured four hours of footage, each clip literally capturing a moment in Isak’s life, providing testimony to the argument that trans people are just as human as anyone else. With our final hugs goodbye, we made our promise to Isak: to create a film segment that would show the world his struggles, but ultimately the triumph of finding himself.

I am the T will be releasing the Norwegian segment sometime around the end of May 2015. Stay tuned for the release on our Vimeo page.

I am the T: an FTM documentary chronicles the stories of trans masculine people living in ten different countries around the world.

I am the T, captures the ways in which trans masculine people navigate cultural and societal obstacles in order to become their intended gender.

Production began in November 2014 in Norway, and will continue in the following countries: Malaysia, Canada, Thailand, Lesotho, Germany, the Philippines, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Australia.

You can find out more info about I am the T on social media:
Instagram: @iamthetfilm

Director Tony Zosherafatain was recently one of  TMP's subjects, in our Trans Faces series; Trans Faces #14 Tony Zosherafatain: The Face Behind The Film..."I Am The T". He also partnered with TMP, to promote Unity, in our Spring4Unity Contest won by Rudy Mills(below). For many reasons Tony stood out to me, the most being that he represents all that TMP believes in; someone in our community that embodies unity within himself, and promotes it among all trans people. His ambitious project, to chronicle the lives, of our often unheard trans male warriors, is something I hope the entire community will support and applaud. In the film I Am The T, he is not only giving voice to our male trans men, but celebrating diversity while simultaneously revealing the bond that unites us all.
Tony promised TMP readers, that he will keep us updated on the life of his film. Starting with the interview, this guest blog is a first in a series on the segments of the film. I will also be among the first to screen, review, and question a few of the characters of the film, I Am The T. An honor for a film that I'm sure will easily become a staple of Transgender Film documentaries for decades to come.

Spring4Unity Contest Winning Post

My name is Rudy Mills (Roman Angelo.)
I live in Reno, Nevada and am on State Medicaid but not because of the Affordable Care Act. I have several health issues but the one that has almost literally paralyzed me is my gender dysphoria. Our trans community experiences this every minute of every day and when some do not see a glimmer of hope they tend to die in one way or another. The trans community suffers loss nearly every day because of suicide or murder, however I would like to address other forms of death that lead to suicide.
These other forms are emotional and spiritual death. What I mean by this is that even though we are many there are many groups online and in our individual cities that do not have the resources to aid with issues properly. I would like to see a huge change in this in hopes to lessen these three deaths. I have many ideas to aid in community resources to pay for things that are not covered. Here in Reno there are many empty motels close together, that if money was raised, could be purchased to house the homeless LGBT as well as non LGBT in our community. I have made arrangements for a private contractor to refurbish every motel that is purchased to be properly tailored to house the homeless, have a exchange clothing store and extremely discounted much needed trans supplies. This organization would ultimately turn into a self ran non profit because there would be a designated amount of hours donated by each occupants to pay for their room and board while transitioning back into society productively. There would also be outside volunteers to collect and stock a on premises kitchen to feed occupants, donated clothing collection as well as helping pick up donated food for our pantry and kitchen.

This is my idea ad hope for Spring Forward in Unity.

Pastor Stands Alone for His Support of Trans Society 
A Guest Blog Post By Rev Robert Teszlewicz

I am Fr. Robert Teszlewicz, CDOS my brothers and sisters. Do not be dismayed that the world hates you because it hated the one who created you, before you were born. There is too much in this world that is wrong and hateful. Take comfort in the fact your very soul was placed in you by the most high living God. This God does not know hate. He does not make mistakes. Your identity as a person can only be found in your soul and not in the physical traits you were born into this world with. You are a brilliant manifestation of all the love in the Universe. It is your soul that holds your love, your dreams, and your happiness. There will always those who will condemn you.
A few seconds from today's Baptism ceremony.
Posted by Rev Robert Teszlewicz on Sunday, April 27, 2014
In the past 48 hours most of my minister friends on Facebook have unfriended me and distanced themselves from me for my views. While that admittedly stings somewhat, what hurts me more is seeing beautiful people like you mocked and hated. Do not succumb to this hate! Do not harm yourself or your community members. Stand strong together, because there is strength in numbers. Use all of the love that is in your soul to blaze a new path for yourselves and for the future people who will look to you for guidance.

Many in your community hate God and blame him for your lot in life. The God you hate has been misreprented for centuries by people who have their own wicked agenda. Your creator is a God of love and compassion. The world has always hated and feared what it does not understand. While your journey is a difficult one, I can promise you that I will walk with you and provide as much love and support as possible. So be true to your soul and love a life worthy of your calling as a child of the Universe. You have my total love and support. Stay beautiful.


Rev Robert Teszlewicz has come forward, publicly, with his support for the TBGLQ community and a message here to trans society. His long career as a minister is now at stake for his support of us. I hope we, as a community, can show our support back to Rev. Robert Tezlewicz.
Rev. Texzlewicz is Pastor at Catholic Apostolic Church in Muskegon MI. You can follow the Rev on Facebook or subscribe to his Youtube channel.

Finding Love In Transition
A Guest Blog Post By Nora Keener

My name is Nora, my transition began back during my senior year of high school. I was so scared because the first person I told that I wanted to transition from male to female was my partner, but little did I know she became my courage to transition. High school was abit difficult for me, especially when prom came up because I had to wear a suit rather than a dress.
Two years pass and I started to really begin to give up on transition because I had no way of obataining Hormone Replacment Therapy. I began to drink and for two weeks, I started cutting myself. One of my mother's friends had called me one day and helped me find a clinic that prescribed me HRT, and now I have been on HRT for about 7 months now since this has been typed. Each and every day I am so thankful that he was able to find me somewhere to help me transition, it felt so wonderful knowing I can finally live as the woman I am.

Happy Birthday Nora

One of the best moments that I can think of so far is my 21st birthday. My family and I had gone to one of those resturants that have a play going on. All the waiters there called me by female pronouns, it was so wonderful! Perhaps that coolest part of the night was one of the workers gave me a small gift to celebrate my birthday and I remember him saying "show the world what a great woman you are!" That made my whole day!

What I plan to do in the future is hopefully become a chemical dependency counselor for the transgender community. I want to be able to help my trans brothers and sisters who suffer from drug amd alcohol addiction and show them that they have the power to make a difference in our own community. While I study for my certifcation though, I am a full time advocate at the community college I go to.
Even with HRT, there are some struggles I do face with my transtion. I can say one thing though, my partner has always been there to hold my hand through all my fears and struggles. Just the other day my partner's mother and my partner bought me women's clothes, it made me feel so good to finally go out and try women's clothing all while having a girl's day out.

I say this to all my trans brothers and sisters, it does get better, never give up hope. You are all wonderful! I know it's hard going through transitioning, but all these hardships will make you stronger. Never lose hope my brothers and sisters, take life one step at a time.

Nora is a popular friend of TMP's face book page. She is also a Psychology major and trans advocate at her at East Los Angeles College. 
A Healthy Lifestyle as Part of Transitioning

Is there an actual cure for dysphoria? Maybe not but there are definitely things you can do to immensely decrease body dysphoria no matter where you are in your transition.
The transgender community commonly suffers from severe depression and dysphoria. 41% of transgender people and gender non-conformists have attempted suicide. 90% of transgender adults have experienced discrimination or harassment at work. Nearly 60% of transgender youth have experienced verbal harassment at school because of their gender expression. This needs to STOP!
If someone told you there was a treatment for body dysphoria no matter where you are in your transition, would you seek that treatment? Ultimate treatment for body dysphoria, depression, or any anxiety disorder, is eating healthier and exercising. You don't need to become a vegetarian; you don't need to stop enjoying your food. Just become more health conscious. Eat more veggies, lean meats and less processed foods. Try cooking your own meals instead of eating pre-cooked meals. Work out! If the gym is too intimidating, do bodyweight exercises at home. Go for a run, hop on your bike or go buy a cheap jump rope. There are also countless workout videos on YouTube from yoga to cardio. You can write down your favorites and create a workout plan!
Countless studies have shown that incorporating a healthy diet and exercise plan into your daily life reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-esteem and improves self image. A healthy lifestyle improves both physical and mental health, gives you a feeling of great accomplishment and ultimately decreases body dysphoria. David O. McKay said, "All good things require effort. That which is worth having will cost part of your physical being, your intellectual power and your soul power. Let us ever keep in mind that life is largely what we make it."
 If you're sick of feeling depressed and dysphoric, do something about it! My name is *Cord Angell, and I am a transgender man (currently pre-op). In the last year and a half I have gone from overweight, attempting suicide, being disgusted with my body, and feeling I had no direction in life and no chance at happiness... To feeling confident, proud of whom I am, positive, and feeling I am capable of achieving anything in the world I put my mind to. I have achieved this by incorporating healthy eating and fitness into my lifestyle.

 Cord Angell is currently studying Fitness and Strength Training

A proud enthusiastic brother who started the 'Transgender Health and Fitness Group' on Facebook to promote healthier living within the community.
He is also a TransMusePlanet Face Book page administrator, doing his part with TMP to promote healthier lifestyles.

 If you'd like to tell a story, your story or promote unity within our community. If you are transgender and have a project you'd like the community to know about and support, simply write to us
In just days I will announce a kick off to TMP's  'Spring Forward With Unity Campaign', a collaboration with, the documentary film "I Am The T" and a potential International TBLQIA magazine currently in talks.

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